
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Biohazardous waste procedures for AHC

Note from AHC RBMS: 

Due to recent concerns and problems encountered regarding biohazard waste we are sending this informative reminder to all occupants in all AHC RBMS buildings.

AHC RBMS is here to provide customer service to you and if at any time you would like further information or require assistance please contact us at

Please review the following reminder:

AHC Research Building Management Services would like to remind all occupants of proper disposal procedures for 1) disposal of sharps containers, 2) contaminated non-sharps waste & biohazard waste.

Sharps containers should not be filled more than 3/4 full. When filled, please tape shut and place near other trash and waste collection areas for pick up.

Please DO NOT put sharps containers outside of lab areas such as public spaces or hallways. Sharps containers such as #CX40245 & #MS-07401 may be purchased through U Stores.

-Autoclave by lab at 121° for 60 minutes and placed in the proper bin provided for disposal after autoclaving by FM. Bags not placed in proper bin will not be picked up. Clear bags, such as #CX10014 or #CX10034 may be ordered through U Stores.

-Red bag waste (when an autoclave is not available) may be used. Red bags must be double bagged and weigh no more than 15 pounds. Red bags must be tied and taped shut.

These bags need to be placed in secondary containment trays for Facilities Management pick up. Bags MUST remain in lab areas, DO NOT place in public spaces or hallways. In order to provide safe working conditions to all employees, Facilities Management will not take bags that are not shut properly and easily picked up with one hand. Bags must be light enough to allow staff to pick up with one hand and hold away from the body while removing them for disposal.

Secondary Containment Trays such as #CX18998 & #CX18999 may be purchased through U Stores.

-GRAY BINS are for biohazard waste only.
-RED BINS are for animal carcass removal only.
-All Bins must be lined with a red bag and lid securely in place for pick up.
-All Bins must not exceed 50 pounds.

Liquid waste should never be placed in sharps containers, waste for autoclave or red bag waste pick up. Liquid waste should be handled as hazardous waste or treated properly and disposed of by each lab according to their specific Waste Treatment Plan. Disposable pipettes must not puncture through any waste bags.

We appreciate your help and cooperation providing safe waste handling.

Please contact DEHS with any questions:
        Phone:  612-626-6002

***** PLEASE NOTE******
If you have a lab or freezer clean-out resulting in large amounts of waste, we would be happy to help arrange supplies and/or assistance. Please contact your building coordinator.


Building Coordinator:
Sara Talbot     Phone: 612 626-6120

717 Delaware:
Building Coordinator:
Jonelle Adams   Phone: 612 626-2293

Biomedical Discovery District
Assistant Building Manager:
Micki Diers     Phone: 612 625-9544


NHH, Jackson Hall:
Building Coordinator:
Jim Anderson    Phone: 612 625-9491

Building Coordinator:
Sam Schroeder   Phone: 612 626-6387

Health Science District
Assistant Building Manager:
Cheryl Miller   Phone: 612 625-5905

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