
Friday, May 24, 2013

Free Lab Safety Videos online from Dow Chemical

Dow chemical has a series of lab safety videos available online.   Prior to viewing the videos you are required to submit your name and email address.

Dow Chemical  Lab Saftey Partnership with U of MN, Penn State and UCSB

Global Harmonization and Safety Data Sheet information has produced several videos providing an introduction to OSHA Global Harmonization System.  How to prepare a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and why Global Harmonization is important.

Brief introduction to OSHA and GHS - SiteHawk - 3 min.

Tips for Authoring Safety Data Sheets - SiteHawk - 37 min.

GHS Readiness Webinar - 50 minutes from SiteHawk

Monday, May 6, 2013

Capital Planning and Project management have published their latest design standards document.  Material in this document is subject to revision and applies only to the University of Minnesota.

Construction on the West Bank of  the University of Minnesota West Bank campus on June 24, 2010

Renovation Project


Water response remediation.